Thursday 13 July 2017

The laws of nature are working normally

There's been a lot of rain here since I arrived. At times it's been a relief when the temperature dropped, at other times it's been a damn nuisance.

But as I said, the laws of nature are in good form - I resisted buying an umbrella for two days of rain (and also resisted using my poncho, just because it's such a pfaff). But then I succumbed and bought an umbrella (found one for 3 Euro). Rain stopped, sun came out, got hot.

Next day I went out without my new umbrella - it looked fine. Then it rained. This has happened again too. Umbrella will be carried at all times now.

And talking about the laws of nature. Some of you will know that I have a problem with La Poste every time I come to France. Can never find an open one when I want it. See the vans, no see a post office. So I thought I'd take a more scientific approach and looked up locations on the interweb, and find the one closest to me. It turned out to be a bank only, but a piece of paper on the door said where the next nearest one was. It was an older building completed gutted and under reconstruction. On another day, I came across a La Poste sign randomly so headed there - gone, closed, empty.

Today I found one on the Ile de la Cite which was useful for research, but too far to carry my load to. On the directory board at Les Halles there was no post office, but the brochure I picked up says there is one there. Will check it out tomorrow. So all is normal.

Let's talk about Wednesday 12 July 2017.

Good sleep-in (I was tired). Set out to walk over to Notre Dame and Ile de la Cite. Don't expect funny little characters here - I can't be bothered finding them. Good look around, came home through the Jewish quarter, got a roll and had lunch at home.

Had a wee zzz then went shopping. Got a card for my video camera (I know, this is riveting stuff), bought a jacket, looked around Les Halles shopping centre. This is now looking good after a major rebuild (bits are still to be done). It was just a mess in 2015. Also went to the Pompidou Centre shops. Best book shop and top shop for designer things. Very expensive though.

Had dinner close by - a very good cassoulet.

Bed now.