Tuesday 25 July 2017


Thursday 08 June 2017 I was on the train early heading to Salzburg. Bit of a journey, two and a half hours, but pleasant travelling though the countryside in a comfortable train. They bring a food and drink trolley around. Bit of a walk from the station though, 20 min. This, I'm sure you will have seen pictures of:
Mozarts Geburtshaus (Mozart's Birthplace). Mozart was born here in 1756 and spent the first 17 years of his life here (when not travelling). I don't have any inside photos, so it must have been a venue where photos were forbidden - I bought a book at the gift shop on exit (as you do, or at least are expected to do).
And this is the Mozart Wohnhaus (Mozart's Residence). The family moved here in 1773 where Mozart composed Idomeneo, among many other works.

In wandering around I discovered this dude, didn't know he was born here too.
This is the shopping street seen in all the travel brochures. It was very busy with tourists.
And a general view of Salzburg, showing the Salzach River in the foreground, and the fortress, Festung Hohensalzburg, up top (didn't get time to go there).