Sunday 30 July 2017

Duomo Museum

Thursday 15 June 2017 - By now it will be clear that this recollection isn't chronological, but if you're wondering about some of the gaps, don't forget that I did actually do some blog posts while away! Another gap is food - do not fear, it is my intention to create a special page about all the food. Maybe that will be pages.

This day, I went to the Duomo Museum, but first here is the Baptistery ceiling.
The earliest façade of Santa Maria del Fiore, never completed and finally dismantled in 1587, has been reconstructed here on the basis of a 16th-century drawing, making it possible to place many of the statues carved for it in their original positions opposite the Baptistery doors.
And here's the main Baptistery doors - the real ones.
I had lunch and a nice little street-side place away from the Duomo, but with a good view of it down the street. Then caught the bus to Fiesole (pron Fee-ezz-sol-eh). Here's a view from the bus window.