Thursday 20 July 2017


It's 2130 on Thursday 20 July 2017 New Zealand time, and I've been home since about 1830. It's great to come home. It was pouring with rain in Auckland, but fortunately fine and calm in Wellington, and a mild 15 degrees. Contrast that with Shanghai when I left at 35.4 degrees.

I've always said that opening a bottle of Kiritea is like coming home, so I've done that.
But this is not the final post, my friends - there will be retrospectives, I promise. So keep watching, all 3 of you.

I found Shanghai a challenging cultural experience, but I had to laugh on getting into the taxi to come home from the airport. The driver pushed 'play', and Bollywood-style music started blaring out, complete with coloured, flashing led lights where you put your feet. There was an enormous necklace, jewelry dangly thing hanging from the rear vision mirror, that swayed perilously close to me and the driver when going round corners. The dashboard was adorned with various symbols, from Egyptian, Indian, to Pania on the Reef in a glass bubble!