Wednesday 6 September 2017

La Sylphide... indeed

Monday 10 July 2017 - Hmmm, 10 July rings a bell, eh? Went in search of La Poste...

Yup, first one gutted for rebuilding. I spoke of this earlier, you may recall.

Tonight's fixture was La Sylphide at the Opera Garnier.

I hadn't been inside before, but have read about this venue, in particular from the days of the Ballet Russes. It was because of my interest in that era that I wanted to see a ballet there. Here's the staircase on entry.

Checking out the wee bar where I'll have Champagne at interval.

So it's up to find my seat, it's here where you can see the printout of my ticket.

I can't get it all in a photo, but I like this one showing the curvature of the seating.

And looking forward to the stage and orchestra.

But it's only when you look up, you see the spectacular ceiling by Marc Chagall.

La Sylphide, I have to say, is a rather dreary ballet, performed to rather dreary music (give me the Russian Five any day). There were some good tricks though, like dancers propelled through the air. A very traditional production, which is funny when I was trying to visualise Nijinsky's L'aprés-midi d'un faun. They were trying to break away from the very tradition I was witnessing.