Thursday 8 June 2017

Wednesday before show

Greetings from the occasional blogger. Thought I'd rattle off a quick update while I have aperitivo before going to Petrushka at the Volksoper.
This is just about today.
Booked train for going to Salzburg tomorrow, for the day.
Then went to the MAK, which is the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts. This was all about design - from book binding to furniture and industrial design. You might say it was right up my alley. Utterly gob-smacking stuff. And it was mostly an Austrian view, not a world view. But they were pretty good at that stuff, and had some prize exponents. They have one of the world's best collections of Viennese glass work - it was amazing. And you know how I love chairs - they have at least three galleries of them!
Their cafe was closed for a function, which was a pity because it looked cool too. Went to a fairly crappy place for a panini. Then first tram trip back to my district.
Continuing the design theme, went to the train pavilion designed by Otto Wagner - he's a pretty big cheese here when it comes to design (but never got a royal commission). There's a wee museum there.
Then to round off design day, went to the Succesion. This is the building and gallery of a group of artists who broke away from the traditional art society. This caused a bit of a stir. But it was lead by Gustav Klimt, so you get the picture. Best feature here is the Beethoven Fries (would you like a drink with that?).
Then home for a drink (hotel is very central).
I'll try to put some photos up soon, but you know how I fuss about them.