Wednesday 14 June 2017

Knocked this bastard off!

Wednesday 14 June 2017 - view from the top of Brunelleschi's dome of the Duomo (Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore). Such a topical post may surprise you, but like everything, there's a reason - all I can do at the moment is sit.

Ponte Vecchio - Monday 12 June 2017

You can see the Vasari corridor on the right. I understand it is closed to the public at present, due to concerns there aren't enough fire exits. Didn't seem to bother the Medicis. The hi-tech device on the old lamp amuses me.
Across the road, I came across this installation - Vespas have become art.
Piazza Della Repubblica, on the way back.
After a wee siesta, I went to look at the Mercato Centrale, which is just a block away from home.
The photo doesn't do it justice - it's a vast place with all sorts of food venues. Had a beer here and watched pizzas being prepared - I've just gotta get the dough business sussed.
Dinner was ravioli with mushroom and truffle.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Day of the Colossus - Monday 11 June 2017

Yesterday, I went to see the David.

This is the view on entering the gallery. Leading up to the David are unfinished works by Michelangelo, the Slaves. These are a great illustration of the sculpture process and seem to make the point made by the master himself, that the marble had the figures in it - they were just struggling to get out.
Sorry, there is inconsistent colour temperature going on here - needs more careful processing.
The view looking back at all the crowd is always interesting, and for those that like to gaze upon bottoms, there is convenient seating all around the back of the statue.
It's very hot in Florence. At the end of the day, one needs a beer, and there's a "Brewdog" just about opposite where I am living.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Wednesday before show

Greetings from the occasional blogger. Thought I'd rattle off a quick update while I have aperitivo before going to Petrushka at the Volksoper.
This is just about today.
Booked train for going to Salzburg tomorrow, for the day.
Then went to the MAK, which is the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts. This was all about design - from book binding to furniture and industrial design. You might say it was right up my alley. Utterly gob-smacking stuff. And it was mostly an Austrian view, not a world view. But they were pretty good at that stuff, and had some prize exponents. They have one of the world's best collections of Viennese glass work - it was amazing. And you know how I love chairs - they have at least three galleries of them!
Their cafe was closed for a function, which was a pity because it looked cool too. Went to a fairly crappy place for a panini. Then first tram trip back to my district.
Continuing the design theme, went to the train pavilion designed by Otto Wagner - he's a pretty big cheese here when it comes to design (but never got a royal commission). There's a wee museum there.
Then to round off design day, went to the Succesion. This is the building and gallery of a group of artists who broke away from the traditional art society. This caused a bit of a stir. But it was lead by Gustav Klimt, so you get the picture. Best feature here is the Beethoven Fries (would you like a drink with that?).
Then home for a drink (hotel is very central).
I'll try to put some photos up soon, but you know how I fuss about them.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Arrived in Vienna

Flights all went well, and I got some good sleeps on them. Transiting at Shanghai was a challenge... to put it politely! I've settled into my hotel, and about to plunge out in search of wiener schnitzel. More will follow. I like it here already.